Marvel Studios Releases 10-Year Legacy Featurette…It Will Make You Weep

It’s all been leading to this moment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It’s been nearly ten years since Iron Man first bowed onto the big screen, and nothing’s been the same since. In addition to being a stand-alone success, the film managed to launch and entire franchise–hell, more than that: a super franchise that consists of many other profitable franchises within it. Knowing what we know now, it’s a bit odd to look back at a time where Iron Man could be perceived as anything but a foregone success, but those were the days we are living in back in the late 2000s.

Now, Marvel Studios has released a brand-new featurette that takes us along with that journey, starting with that very first film that changed everything. What is very telling is to look back at an old interview with Iron Man director Jon Favreau three weeks before the release of the film.

“It’s a very interesting time now, and boy you don’t know what’s going to happen. I know that I’m proud of it. I know that we’ve done everything we can. I really don’t know how people are going to react to this thing. This could be anything from a flop to a moderate single, or something that’s beyond what people’s expectations are. You never know. You never know.”

Yeah, well, I think at this point we all know what are you huge Game changer that movie would end up being. The rest is pretty much history. Marvel Studios has gone on to create an experience that countless other studios have tried to replicate ever since. Now here we stand just 10 short days away from the release of Avengers: Infinity War. I still can’t believe how far we have come.

Do you remember how you felt before that first Iron Man film came out? In your wildest dreams, did you think it would result in the film franchise we have today? Let us know your thoughts down below!

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SOURCE: Marvel Entertainment

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