Yesterday, Jammer covered an interesting story about Star Wars: Episode VIII. It centered on the rumor of their being some sort of epic flashback, and whether or not we should expect more Luke Skywalker as the new trilogy progresses. Today, there’s an even newer rumor, which could tie into yesterday’s. And it’s a doozy.
Before we proceed, let me remind you. This is only a RUMOR and if it’s true it’s also a *SPOILER* so don’t go any further unless you don’t mind entertaining either of those things.
According to some bloke who attended the recent Star Wars Celebration in Europe, he was told by some folks from the Star Wars Universe that Yoda will appear in Episode VIII. Now, I know what you’re thinking: “Really? You’re gonna run a story based on something that some dude on reddit posted?” And you’re absolutely right. When I was initially asked to cover this story, my initial reaction was skepticism. But then I read the full post, and something in my gut told me that this fellow might not be totally full of it.
So I’ll share the entire post with you here, and you can judge for yourselves:
“Hi all, I went to Star Wars Celebration in Europe this year and went to several panels, but spent most of my time on the con floor (due to the ridiculous queuing system for main panels).
First of all, a confirmed spoiler (which many of you may already know), is from Rian Johnson himself. Rian was at the Future Filmmaker’s panel, and confirmed that Star Wars Episode VIII would be the very first Star Wars film not to begin in space – instead it will begin immediately after the last film finished, with Rey and Luke.
Now, for the other, spoiler. One of the many stalls featured at the convention was Saving Yoda, ran by one of the original team operating Yoda in ESP. While waiting to have my photo taken with the Yoda puppet, the dude running it was talking to another guy. The random guy asked which Yoda puppet was currently on display. In response, we were all told that the one on display was puppet 2 (I think, I can’t quite remember exactly). He looked at both of us, and said that members of theoriginal Yoda team have been called in to work on episode 8, using the Yoda 8 puppet, as they’d all recently been talking about it. He’d have no reason to lie.
So I just thought that was quite interesting! Sorry that I can’t remember the exact puppet numbers for the Yoda, but hey ho. I thought it was pretty cool!”
Earlier, I mentioned how this rumor could go hand-in-hand with yesterday’s murmurs. Since we now have reason to believe that the new Star Wars films are cool with flashbacks- since The Force Awakens sort of had one, and Episode VIII may as well- it’s totally possible that we could get a quick glimpse of Master Yoda during another Force Dream sequence.
So what do you think? Is he just messing with everyone? Or do you think the technician from the Star Wars crew actually let slip that Yoda will appear in Star Wars: Episode VIII? And if he is in the movie, would you rather it be in the form of a Force Ghost who actually interacts with Rey and/or Luke? Or would you prefer a quick glimpse during another Force Dream?
SOURCE: Reddit