Trailer: Star Trek Discovery Season 2 – Get Your First Glimpse Of Ethan Peck As Spock

Behold the latest trailer for Star Trek: Discovery Season 2. The trailer was first shown at New York Comic-Con, but has now found its way online.

The trailer gives us our first real look at where the story may be going with a mystery revolving around a strange ‘Red Angel’ which seems to connect Michael Burnham and Spock, who were raised as sort of siblings. We also get our first brief glimpse of Ethan Peck as a bearded and younger Spock.

We knew from previous footage that Captain Pike will be taking temporary charge of the Discovery in this season, from his normal duties of commanding the Enterprise. Fans of the original show will be aware that canonically Pike was the first Captain of the Enterprise before Kirk got the job. We also get to see Pike’s ‘Number One’ Leigh Hudec played by Rebecca Romijn, although briefly.

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I was a big fan of the first season of Discovery and I know I differ from many of my LRM colleagues in that I dislike the suped-up new movie versions. To me, those are like a reimagining of the franchise for a casual crowd that just want fancy explosions and cool VFX, like the youngsters I work with on here I guess (shots fired)?

The heart of Star Trek was always in the TV shows and a longer format that allowed them to study characters and moral quandaries. Discovery had a few issues in its inaugural season (not a fan of the mirror verse, at all), but for me its the side of Trek I have most enjoyed since Voyager went off the air many, many years ago.

I have hope that Season 2 can be even better the first one and I am also really excited to see what they are going to do with Patrick Stewart’s new Picard centric show as it gets developed.

What did you think of the trailer, are you convinced enough to watch Season 2, or planning to give it a miss? Let us know either way in the comments below.

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