
Di Bonaventura Talks About ‘Transformers: Age of Extinction’

It’s no secret that the latter two Transformers sequels were considered misfires, critically speaking, after the first film managed to launch a franchise and create some goodwill for what had initially sounded like a silly idea. With Transformers: Age of Extinction, director Michael Bay and the film’s producers are looking to essentially reboot-within-a-sequel. Well-known producer Lorenzo Di Bonaventura, sat down with The Hollywood News to discuss how they’ll be approaching the film.

Keep an eye out for a whopper of a comparison to 9/11 since, in a disturbing trend for Hollywood blockbusters (*COUGH* Man of Steel *COUGH*), they pretty much leveled a city…for our enjoyment.
Here’s Di Bonaventura, in his own words:
“It’s definitely not a reboot. It’s an interesting question about what you should call it. On a certain level it’s a continuation of the previous stories, in the fact that it acknowledges what has transpired before it. It acknowledges in the last movie, the destruction of Chicago, it’s actually something that carries through the sort of emotional repercussions of that, not unlike 9/11 has emotional repercussions in the real world. In a fantasy world there are repercussions to what occurred.
That plays into the movie, moving forwards with a totally different human cast, who doesn’t know anything about the other humans, it’s not a reboot, but a continuation, yet you’re continuing with a new cast and group of characters. It was a big decision to do that.
We miss our friends that we did the first three with, and they were great, and they probably could’ve done more. But the advantage of doing it this way is that it feels almost like a first movie. It’s a very different dynamic than I’ve seen in a movie, I’m very curious. I guess Star Wars did that a little bit, but not so close together, the way we’re doing it.”

Transformers: Age of Extinction will arrive in theaters on June 27.


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