
American Gods: Old Gods Fade & New Gods Rise In Bloody New Trailer

Author Neil Gaiman is one of the more interesting modern writers. His stuff is a unique blend of quirk, camp, sex, violence, and intrigue. He’s a master at realizing abstract concepts and portraying them in a strangely relevant way, and his novel American Gods is no different. Focused in a world where gods are embodied as humanoids (not unlike how Greek gods are portrayed in literature), it paints a picture of a changing landscape, where old gods fade, and new gods, such as The Technical Boy rise.

For some time, Starz, Hannibal showrunner Bryan Fuller, and Logan co-writer Michael Green have been hard at work adapting the dense novel for the small screen. While it’s unclear how many seasons the series will ultimately be, we do know that this first season will consist of eight episodes and will only take up the first third of the book.

If you’re been curious to see how all of this has been shaping up, wait no longer, for Starz has put out a new trailer for the show, and man it’s all kinds of bloody and violent.

Take a look below:

The synopsis for American Gods is below:

“When Shadow Moon is released from prison, he meets the mysterious Mr. Wednesday and a storm begins to brew. Little does Shadow know, this storm will change the course of his entire life. Left adrift by the recent, tragic death of his wife, and suddenly hired as Mr. Wednesday’s bodyguard, Shadow finds himself in the center of a world that he struggles to understand. It’s a world where magic is real, where the Old Gods fear both irrelevance and the growing power of the New Gods, like Technology and Media. Mr. Wednesday seeks to build a coalition of Old Gods to defend their existence in this new America, and reclaim some of the influence that they’ve lost. As Shadow travels across the country with Mr. Wednesday, he struggles to accept this new reality, and his place in it.”

Upon hearing this novel would be turned into a series, I wondered how in the world they would be bringing this strange world to life. While it’s nowhere near how I imagined it would be done, I have to say, it’s pretty darn interesting. In the end, creativity is all about making choices, and if this trailer is any evidence, the filmmakers have opted to make some bold, crazy cool choices in this television show. We can’t wait to see what comes of it, narratively speaking.

What did you think of this trailer? Are you putting this one on your list of must-see TV? Let us know your thoughts down below!

American Gods hits Starz on April 30, 2017.

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