The new stop-motion animated film The Inventor, co-created by award-winning filmmaker Robert Rippberger and Jim Capobianco, the writer behind the beloved animated classic “Ratatouille,” is set to debut on the silver screen nationwide on Friday, September 15th.
Robert Rippberger, who also serves as the lead producer of the film, has been the force behind this cinematic masterpiece. The Inventor delves into the life of the legendary Renaissance polymath Leonardo da Vinci as he embarks on a journey to unravel the profound mysteries of existence, aided by the French princess Marguerite de Nevarre. The film boasts a star-studded cast that includes Stephen Fry, Daisy Ridley, Marion Cotillard, and Matt Berry.
Rippberger’s journey with The Inventor began even before the script was penned. The visionary filmmaker scoured Europe for the perfect production partner, and his quest led him to Foliascope, a reputable studio based in France. Over a span of nine months, Rippberger personally negotiated agreements with industry giants Universal and Blue Fox Entertainment. His dedication to the project did not stop there. He actively participated in casting alongside Jim Capobianco and tirelessly liaised with talent agencies, all during the tumultuous period of the pandemic.
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Perhaps the most remarkable feat accomplished by Rippberger was securing the senior financing and equity necessary to bring The Inventor to life. His multifaceted involvement extended to overseeing the delivery and post-production phases, ensuring every detail of the film met his uncompromising standards.
For the past few months, Robert Rippberger has been immersing himself in the enchanting landscapes of France, working closely with Jim Capobianco to craft a cinematic experience that promises to offer audiences a profound glimpse into the life and mind of da Vinci. The Inventor is set to captivate the hearts not only of families but also children around the world.
With a filmmaker like Robert Rippberger at the helm and a strong cast breathing life into historical figures, this stop-motion animated masterpiece is gearing up to be an entertaining time for its audience. Mark your calendars for September 15th to witness the birth of The Inventor.