
BATMAN v SUPERMAN to Hint at Yet Another Famous Villain?

I am filled with both concern and excitement for DC and Warner Bros next film, BATMAN v SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE. While the first trailer for the film got me pumped beyond all recognition, the second trailer did the unfortunate job of tempering my expectations. Not only would Batman and Superman be going head-to-head, but Wonder Woman would potentially be playing a pivotal role. In addition to those two, there’s Lex Luthor and whatever conniving shenanigans he’s cooking, which turned out to be (as revealed by the trailer) Doomsday himself.

It was the kind of stuff that geeky wet dreams are made of, but many were rightfully concerned that this would lead to an overcrowded film (á la SPIDER-MAN 3 and THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2). But on top of all that, a couple weeks back, we broke the news that there would be another, more dominating villain in addition to the other two already mentioned.

That’s a whole lot of movie to squeeze into two-and-a-half hours, but if the recent issue of Empire Magazine is any indication, that may not be all. 

If you don’t want to be spoiled any further, now is the time to look away.






Twitter user Caboose_XBL recently posted a series of images from the latest issue of Empire Magazine, and one of them alluded to the DC big bad Darkseid being foreshadowed in the film. Check out the image below.

Darkseid is coming.

As fans of the comic will notice, burnt into the desert sand is the Omega symbol, which is Darkseid’s emblem, used to mark vulnerable targets.

While this image would seem to indicate Darkseid, this isn’t the first taste we’ve had of him. Looking back at the second trailer, many fans pointed to Darkseid’s alien race of Parademons wreaking havoc against Knightmare Batman and the soldiers he fights against.

Parademons causing mayhem.

All of this information would SEEM to indicate that Darkseid will be squeezing his way into the film, but I’d first like to point out that the Omega emblem seems to be taking place in the same “knightmare” as the Parademons. It’s been mentioned before that the entire Knightmare Batman sequence is one extended dream of sorts, and it’s been speculated by many to be a vision given to Bruce Wayne as a potential alternative future should he and Superman refuse to work together.

I say all of this just to say, “Don’t worry.” While yes, Darkseid will be alluded to in the film, I don’t imagine he’ll be piled onto the already large pile of bad guys Batman and Superman will have to take on.

Lastly, in addition to the image above, the same twitter user posted a few more images from the issue. Check them out below!

What do you think of these images, and do you think the whole Knightmare Batman sequence will work to the film’s detriment? Let us know in the comments down below!

BATMAN v SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE hits theaters on March 23, 2016.

SOURCE: Empire (via Twitter)

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