
Bryan Cranston Attached to Play Zordon in ‘POWER RANGERS’

Thus far, Lionsgate has done a pretty decent job of keeping POWER RANGERS in the news over the past few months. Like it did with the HUNGER GAMES franchise, the studio has managed to make little mini-events around the casting of their characters. The only real problem thus far is that apart from Elizabeth Banks, who is confirmed to play Rita Repulsa, the film’s villain, there really aren’t any recognizable actors to speak of.

While I’m all for keeping the Rangers as unknowns, it is incredibly wise for the studio to cast better known actors in the adult roles. They did this with Rita, as mentioned above, and now with their most recent announcement, they’ve locked down BREAKING BAD star Bryan Cranston to play the character of Zordon.

Check out the announcement tweets below from both Cranston and the official POWER RANGERS account!

For those unfamiliar, Zordon is the strange entity responsible for giving the Rangers their powers in the first place. The character is mostly seen as a disembodied head hovering in an energy tube, and the only time we saw the character outside of the tube, was in an incredibly disturbing interpretation from the original POWER RANGERS movie in the 1990s.

Zordon outside his energy tube.

While Zordon serves as something of a mentor and father figure for the Rangers, he’s also a character who has an antagonistic history with Rita Repulsa, and in a way, the creation of the Power Rangers is something of an extension of that ongoing battle between the two.

What do you think of Cranston taking on the role of Zordon?

Let us know your thoughts down below!

SABAN’S POWER RANGERS hits theaters on March 24, 2017.

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SOURCE: Bryan Cranston, Power Rangers

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