
CBS’s ‘Supergirl’ Mid-Season Promo Spot

So what’s the point of secret identities if everyone could see through the disguise?

Surprise CBS television hit series “Supergirl” ended in a cliffhanger with certain identities revealed.

The freshman comic-book drama already extended to 20 full episodes for its first season will feature new story arcs and villains. It looks like Toyman will be one of the first villains of 2016 who Supergirl must face. There are already reports that the list in the future may include Bizarro, Silver Banshee, and White Martians.

The following promo wrap up the first half season of “Supergirl,” including the reveal of J’onn J’onzz as Martian Manhunter.

“Supergirl” will be back on air on January 4th at 8 p.m. with “Blood Bonds.”

Check out the promo trailer below.

Source: CBS

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