
Darkest Hour: Gary Oldman Talks About His Unrecognizable Transformation Into Winston Churchill

This will be Gary Oldman’s year to get that elusive Oscar trophy.

In Darkest Hour, the veteran thespian will portray for the former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. In this complex role, Oldman is completely unrecognizable as the charismatic leader during World War II.

Darkest Hour is written by Anthony McCarten (The Theory of Everything) and directed by Joe Wright (Atonement, Pride & Prejudice). The story follows Churchill in the early days of World War II as he leads the opposition against Adolf Hitler.

The film also stars Lily James, Ben Mendelsohn, Kristin Scott Thomas and John Hurt as one of his last roles.

At CinemaCon 2017 last week, LRM caught up with Gary Oldman on the red carpet before the Focus Features’ celebratory event in Las Vegas.

Oldman was kind enough to go into detail of his lengthy transformation into the respected historical figure.

Focus Features will be releasing the trailer at a later date. Darkest Hour is scheduled for release on November 24 this year.

Check out our interview with Gary Oldman below.

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