
DEADPOOL 2: Actress Mackenzie Davis Addresses Rumors About Her Playing Domino

Almost a couple weeks ago, we reported on a rumor for Mashable reporter Jeff Sneider. In that report, he mentioned that actress Mackenzie Davis was the main name he’d heard being thrown around to play the character of Domino, a badass mercenary with ties to X-Force and Deadpool.

Given Davis’ experience in The Martian and the upcoming Blade Runner 2, it was a name that had some credibility. Fans took this to heart, and some went so far as to throw together some concept art that showed what the actress may look like as Domino.

Sadly, it doesn’t sound like the rumor is true — or at the very least, Davis herself hasn’t been contacted about the role. When asked by GQ if she was involved in the film, Davis said:

“No! [laughs] It’s very interesting. People keep sending me printouts being like, ‘This is so cool!’ And I’m like, ‘Right? I also think it’s cool! But it’s not true!’

“I mean. I’d love to keep the ruse going. It’s sort of cool that people think I’m doing Deadpool. But no! I don’t have any news to share. I wish I did!”

While it’d be easy to be disheartened by this, I don’t think it’s worth taking Davis’ word for it. I’m not saying she’s lying, but for all we know, Sneider’s rumor may have originated from an executive. It’s very possible the studio has a shortlist of actors they’re looking through and have yet to follow through on anything. Besides, in Hollywood, actors are usually the last ones to know about casting decisions, so if you’d hoped to see Davis in the role, then you still may be in luck.

What do you think? Do Davis’ comments close the book on the subject for you, or do you think she still may be up for the role by the time Fox gets around to casting for Deadpool 2?

Let us know your thoughts down below!

Deadpool 2 hits theaters on January 12, 2018.

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