
Doctor Who Series 10 Trailer Shows First Glimpse Of Regeneration

Series 10 of Doctor Who is soon upon us and the BBC is going out of their way to promote it. The latest trailer has appeared on Youtube and is giving us the first glimpse of Peter Capaldi’s regeneration.

I’ve been a Doctor Who fan since I was a kid. In the 80’s, the only way to watch Doctor Who in America was on your local PBS station. Every weekend, I would watch as Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, and Sylvester McCoy took on the mantle of The Doctor to face off against enemies like the Daleks, the Cybermen, Scaroth of the Jagaroth, and many others. While the quality in that era was hit or miss, to deny the imagination the show had was foolhardy.

The show went off the air in 1989. Apart from a television movie that appeared on Fox in America for whatever reason, not much was heard about the Doctor until 2005 when the BBC started the series up again. I say it that way because they made it very clear the show was in no way a reboot. It very much kept with the original story the show set.

Amazing actors like Christopher Eccelston, the great David Tennant, Matt Smith, and the current Doctor, Peter Capaldi, have taken on the role. The first Doctor for the new show, Eccelston, was great but only on the show for one season. While I would have loved to have him stay for a lot longer, it was great to have them introduce regeneration to a new audience.

Regeneration in the Doctor Who world is a wonderful conceit. It allows the producers to switch the actor playing the Doctor while maintaining that the character is one and the same. It’s a brilliant in that it allows the show to keep going through different actors, producers, eras, etc.

Series 10 of Doctor Who will see the end of Stephen Moffat as the show runner as well as the end of Peter Capaldi as the Doctor. Stephen Moffat’s time as show runner has been hit or miss at best. Peter Capaldi as the Doctor, despite Capaldi being one heck of an actor, has not been well received for the most part. Chris Chibnall, creator of Broadchurch, will take over the show next year with a new actor playing the Doctor.

I am not excited for the last season of Capaldi as the Doctor. Series 9 was the first season of the new run of the show that I intentionally missed. I’m not looking forward to Series 10, even with Clara dead and buried. I hated Clara with a passion. She was just there due to how she looked, not the fact that she had any sort of connection with the Doctor. The new companion, Bill, played by Pearl Mackie, I don’t really have a handle on just yet but she doesn’t come across like a real character like Rose Tyler or Donna Noble.

I don’t know how much longer the show can last. I want to see what Chris Chibnall can do with it before writing the show completely off however. I would love to keep the Capaldi era of the show in the back parts of my mind, that one aberration of an otherwise good show. Stephen Moffat seems to be more interested in making Sherlock as good as it can be which is not a bad thing at all. I’m not excited for Series 10. I just want it to be over.

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