
Excellent ‘X-MEN: APOCALYPSE’ Featurette And Singer Comments On Villain’s Uncanny Voice

Fox has just released a featurette that helps make the case that X-MEN: APOCALYPSE is going to be the biggest X-MEN movie ever. I found it interesting, as a non-comic book fan, since I know very little about Apocalypse. I’ve never read any X-Men comic books, or watched any of the cartoons, so- to me- the marketing so far hasn’t done enough to define what makes him special. The video below did just that:

I know its kind of in vogue these days to crap on this movie, or to act like its the runt of the litter- considering DEADPOOLBATMAN V SUPERMAN, and the upcoming CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR have all dominated 2016 so far. But we can’t forget that its coming from the same studio and producer as DEADPOOL, and it’s the rare superhero franchise that’s looking to expand and get bigger/better 16 years into its life. Remember, we live in a time when superhero franchises are constantly hitting the reset button because they can’t seem to maintain a consistent level of quality, or are unable to right the ship. Be it Spider-Man, Batman, Superman, or The Incredible Hulk, these household names are constantly being sent back to the drawing board. I think Fox’s X-MEN franchise should be commended for staying vital, and pushing its limits, 16 years after it launched. 

How many comic book franchises can say that their seventh entry is their biggest yet, and was adored by fans and critics alike? That’s what Fox can comfortably say about 2014’s X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST. How many franchises can say that their R-rated spinoff about a little known deformed mercenary would hold its own against BATMAN V SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE? How many film series could bounce backfrom back-to-back duds like THE LAST STAND and X-MEN ORIGINS: WOLVERINE? Fox’s X-MEN deserve considerable credit, folks. 

X-MEN: APOCALYPSE director Bryan Singer also took some time to discuss some of the Movie Magic being used to make Oscar Isaac’s performance as the titular villain extra riveting. In a chat with IGN the director, specifically, Stalks about what’s being done to Isaac’s voice:

“[The first X-Men: Apocalypse trailer] was simply Oscar using his normal voice — which is wonderful; his performance is fantastic — but that was never the intention. We just needed those words to govern the first teaser. So people thought, ‘Oh, wait, is that going to be his voice during the whole movie?’ It’s like, no, but to tell the story of the first teaser, we needed the voice, and I hadn’t recreated the voice yet.

“What I’m doing is something very unique. It hasn’t been done before. We’re rerecording his entire performance because the suit’s creaky and makes all kinds of noise, you can’t really use any of it anyway. But I want his performance. So he’s being recorded in ADR using a standard Sennheiser microphone, but also with a bass mic to his right cheek and a bass drum mic to his left cheek. These two microphones have the ability to pull vocal range out of his voice that the human ear cannot hear. And I can take that vocal range that I’ve now recorded, and I can pull it and use it to augment his voice — and that with a little digital magic can create a voice that’s both completely governed by his performance but is not natural.

“It ebbs and flows and moves through the movie, and changes, so he doesn’t just have one single voice. He speaks with different voices depending on different moments in the film. So it’s really kind of cool. It’s the first time I’ve ever had the tools to sculpt a performance in post-production, that was already given to me on set and chosen in the cutting room.”

X-MEN: APOCALYPSE comes out on May 27.

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SOURCE: IGN / Coming Soon

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