
First Look At SICARIO Director’s New Alien Film ARRIVAL! [PHOTOS]

While it may seem like there’s nothing but superhero flicks hitting the big screen these days, the amount of different content out there can’t be denied, as there is plenty of great talent out there working on non-superhero-related fare. Perhaps one of the filmmakers out there who has proven his worth time and again is director Denis Villeneuve. The French-Canadian filmmaker was first put on the semi-mainstream map with 2013’s PRISONERS, which was a hard-hitting and emotional picture. He followed this successful film up with ENEMY and SICARIO, both of which garnered critical acclaim. Next year, he will be tackling BLADE RUNNER 2, the long-anticipated sequel to the 1980s Ridley Scott-directed science fiction classic.

However, prior to that big film, Villeneuve has another picture on his plate — a little alien film called ARRIVAL. The film is based on Ted Chiang’s book entitled STORY OF YOUR LIFE and follows linguist Louise Banks, who is hired to decipher an alien language when a series of pods pop up all over the world. Set to play the linguist is none other than Amy Adams, who had the following to say about the film to USA Today while filming JUSTICE LEAGUE:

“This isn’t a graphic-novel universe or creating a new universe. This happens in our world today, as it exists. Not having to transport myself to a universe where superheroes exist, which is also fun, really helped me ground the character and the experience.

“[The character] felt real, like somebody I would know and somebody I would like to have a conversation with. Emotionally, the journey she takes in this was devastating to me.

“You can tell she’s been down this road before in helping out the government and it’s turned out poorly. She absolutely needs this, probably more than she knows.”

Take a look at the photo of her down below. You can see what appears to be one of the aforementioned pods floating in the background.

Set to star opposite of Adams is none other than Jeremy Renner, who will be playing a character named Ian Donnelly, a physicist sent to help Adams in her work.

“I haven’t played a smart nerdy guy,” Renner told USA Today. “I thought there was a great challenge in that.”

Villeneuve’s track record would seem to indicate the type of movie we’d be getting.

Regarding the style and tone of ARRIVAL, Renner said you’d get the film “if you blended a [Stanley] Kubrick and a [Steven] Spielberg movie.” USA Today goes on to compare it to CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND and CONTACT. In short, don’t expect a “big Michael Bay alien movie.”

“If you’re a parent, it’s going to wreck you,” he added. “It’s big and there are thriller elements and tension, but it’s going to lean much more into a thinking person’s film.”

Sounds right up director Villeneuve’s alley.

What do you think of the first photos and description of ARRIVAL? Let us know in the comments down below!

ARRIVAL hits theaters on November 11, 2016.

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