
Intriguing Details For ‘Wonder Woman’ Film Revealed

*If True, The Following Details Are Laden With SPOILERS! Proceed With Caution*

So far, very little is known about DC’s Wonder Woman movie. We know who’s playing her (Gal Gadot). We know who’s directing it (Patty Jenkins). We know Chris Pine will play her love interest, Steve Trevor. We know that Jason Fuchs (Pan) is writing it. And that’s it.

According to Den of Geek, we now finally know some more:

  1. The film will be set in three separate time periods and settings: It’ll begin on the mythical island of Themyscira, continue to 1916 during World War I, and then jump to present day to line up with Justice League. Possibly in that order, following the standard Three Act structure.
  2. One aspect of this that should delight fans is that with each period, may come a different variation of her costume.

Since the character has had different looks over the years, and some have felt her “Xena: Warrior Princess” look in Batman v Superman was a little much, it sounds like we can look forward to seeing more traditional looks for the heroine. Could be nifty, no?

The site also says that Basilicata, Italy will likely stand in for Themyscira. 

Craco Village, a popular shooting location in Basilicata.

Wonder Woman will start filming next month, and is being prepped for a release on my birthday: June 23, 2017. 

What do you think of this round of Wonderous rumors?

SOURCE: Den of Geek

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