
Jason Momoa Set To Play Will Ferrell’s Grown “TV Show Son” In New Comedy

Jason Momoa, set to appear as Aquaman this November in Justice League and next December in the character’s solo-film, is now making the move to comedies alongside a major comedy star. Momoa’s early career thus far has reminded me Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s; both have a tendency to play badasses with swords. Both are gigantic, terrifying men you would never want to challenge to a fight, so when Johnson made the move to comedy, at first I was hesitant. Johnson knocked it out of the park and has proven time and time again to be hilarious, so why not have Momoa give it a try as well? You can be scary as hell and funny. The Rock proved it.

Deadline reports that Paramount purchased an untitled pitch for a comedy that stars Will Ferrell and Jason Momoa. The project is being described as “Galaxy Quest meets Ocean’s Eleven.” Ferrell will play a washed up TV star reuniting with his now grown TV show son, played by Momoa, who is now a huge star. Reminds me of a plot straight from Bojack Horseman, which isn’t a bad thing at all. 

The untitled film will be written by Andy Mogel and Jarrad Paul, who created The Grinder and wrote and directed The D Train. Nick Stoller (Neighbors) is producing with Will Ferrell’s production company, Gary Sanchez Productions.  

The project sounds like a home run, as the contrast between Ferrell and Momoa should make for some hilarious situations, not unlike Ferrell’s pairing with action-star Mark Wahlberg in past films. The Galaxy Quest comparison makes perfect sense, but I wonder how it is similar to Ocean’s Eleven? Will there be a heist of some sort? 

What do you think of a comedy starring Ferrell and Momoa? I’ve never seen Momoa do comedy, so is he up for the task? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below!

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SOURCE: Deadline

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