
Listen To ‘Luke Cage’ Actor Mike Colter Say ‘Sweet Christmas’ And More

The New York Comic Con has now come and gone, and with it came all kinds of treats for fanboys and fangirls alike. Four projects, in particular, that were infused with fresh buzz thanks to the Con were Marvel’s Netflix shows. While everyone is excited about the eventual team-up event, The Defenders, a lot of the spotlight this past weekend was placed on Jessica Jones and Luke Cage. The lead characters in those two shows will eventually join Daredevil and Iron Fist in the aforementioned Defenders special.

One of the fun little things thrown out into the world for fans appears below. In a chat with actor Mike Colter is coaxed into saying Cage’s signature line: “Sweet Christmas.” You can check it out right here:

In that talk, the actor also reveals that he’s come to love the catchphrase, despite some initial reservations. “It fits – actually, I was afraid of that phrase, but it actually fits so well, I don’t know why, I don’t know why it fits so well into Luke’s mouth,” he said. “It’s appropriate, always apropos.”

Colter also spilled the only details he’s allowed to give with regard to what we can expect from Luke Cage when it premieres.

“I can tell you what they’ve allowed me to, which is basically, Luke Cage will take place a few months after Jessica Jones.So in real time, if you watch Jessica Jones, you’ll find [at the end] Luke Cage uptown in Harlem, working, trying to make ends meet. Luke Cage really hasn’t figured out what he’s doing. He’s tending bar, he’s bouncing around. And for good reason, he’s a fugitive, he has some skeletons in his closet

“He’s trying to basically stay off the radar. The people he hangs around with, though, are in need. Ultimately, he’d rather be alone, but with the way he’s equipped he does step up. That’s what it’s about, it’s about finding that inner feeling to make you want to take action. Sometimes we just sit around, and sit on our hands and don’t do anything because it’s like ‘hey, that’s not my problem.’ You can’t do that when you’re a superhero. You have these gifts, now use them.”

What do you think? Does it sound like the actor, and the Marvel TV production in general, get what makes Luke Cage special? 

SOURCE: Comic Book

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