
BREAKING: Marvel’s Inhumans Casts MAXIMUS THE MAD – And It’s The Perfect Choice!

Iwan Rheon was announced to play Black Bolts’s brother, Maximus the Mad, in the TV series The Inhumans, and what a great choice if you are looking for a psychotic killer. You know him best as Ramsay Bolton/Snow in Game of Thrones, the castration expert and torturer of Theon Greyjoy. 

Oh yes, this makes me happy. Maximus is my favorite Inhuman, and one could consider him with Batman level intellect combined with some form of mind control. Let us take note, he is not necessarily evil. But he does believe that the Inhumans are the next level of species, and should rule the planet with disregard to any human life. He kind of reminds me of oldschool Magneto.

For awhile now, we have been dealing with the Inhumans in the show Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., but the actual royal family has not yet been referenced, presumably because they were saving them for their own show. He may actually be the villain of the show, but at some point it will end up being an, “I am doing it for my people,” type of situation.

Currently, in the comics, the Inhumans are at battle with the X-Men over a Terrigen Mist that is spreading throughout the world transforming normal humans into Inhumans. The only problem is that it kills X-Men, so one could easily see the conflict here. There is no word on how the royal family of the Inhumans will be handled but the show is being directed by Scott Buck (Dexter!!!!) and Marvel TV guru Jeph Loeb had this to say:

“Iwan’s ability to be charming, roguish and still completely unexpectedly dangerous were all the different sides we needed to bring the character to life. We’re thrilled to have him on board,” Buck followed it with, “Maximus is a complex character. Likable, charming, tragic and villainous all in the same moment, and I’m very excited to have someone of Iwan’s considerable talent.”

The release date, currently, is September of this year and is set to be eight episodes. I highly doubt that will be the case if this does as well as I think it will. Expect a full on series.

My interest level just went from four to about an eight for the show. Do you guys like the casting? Who would best play Black Bolt and Medusa? (The King and Queen of the royal family) Is poor Theon still upset, or has he accepted his fate as Varys did? 

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Source: CB

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