
MOANA: The Film’s Show-Stopping Number, “How Far I’ll Go,” Hits The Web!

For the past eight or so years, Disney has been on quite the streak. For some time (the early 2000s), it felt like the studio was making lame duck after lame duck. Some blamed it on the proliferation of CG animation, a medium pioneered by the likes of Pixar, but when it came down to it, Disney had become too obsessed with “product” and not enough with story. As soon as Pixar’s John Lasseter started running the entirety of Walt Disney Animation, we’ve seen a genuine uptick from the studio — not just in their box office numbers, but in the quality of their movies.

The studio had gone from its tradition of animated musicals in the 1990s to a complete absence of songs in the 2000s. The most recent decade has seen a resurgence in both. Not only is Disney Animation killing it with their non-musical animated fare like Zootopia and Wreck-It Ralph, but they’re also hitting all the right notes with musicals like Frozen and, most recently, Moana.

While I can’t say Moana nailed it on the music front quite as much as Frozen, it still managed to give us a few memorable numbers, not the least of which is “How Far I’ll Go,” which is the typical “I want” song that Disney tends to have in each of their musicals. If you have yet to see Moana, I not only recommend you do so now, but also recommend you watch this clip so that you know the joy you’re in for.

Check it out below:

As great of a song this is, it is something of an indicator in how it compares to the likes of Frozen in terms of sheer memorability. Simply put, out of context of the film itself, I’m not sure it bodes as well as its predecessor (which is a high bar to live up to, to be clear). That being said, once you see the context of the song, it certainly starts to take on a whole life of its own, and that’s no small feat. One song I will be waiting to hit the web in full form is the glam-rock homage “Shiny,” which probably takes the cake as my favorite song of the flick.

What do you think of “How Far I’ll Go”? Do you agree that it holds up better in the film itself? Let us know your thoughts down below!

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