
New BLACK PANTHER Casting Call Rumors

BLACK PANTHER may be over two years and five Marvel films from its release, but that hasn’t stopped immense hype surrounding the movie. In addition to solid introduction the character received in this month’s CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR, the fact that there will be a black actor leading a superhero film is quite the big deal. Sure, it’s happened before with the BLADE series, but in the current generation of films, most non-white actors have been reduced to side characters. With a reported 90% African or African American cast, BLACK PANTHER promises to be a step in the right direction for diversity in Hollywood.

Ever since CIVIL WAR hit theaters a few weeks back, there have been tons of reports and rumors surrounding the cast. In talks to join the flick have been Lupita Nyong’o and Michael B. Jordan, but of course there is a much greater cast surrounding the flick, and if a recent report from is any indication, there are quite the number of characters left to fill. Since it’s posting, the original article appears to have gone to a “database error,” so the information I’m bringing you today is through a secondary source, namely the folks over at Screen Rant, who have normally been incredibly reliable source of information.

Here are the list of characters they say were on the casting call lis — and it’s worth noting that these characters are intended to be native Wakandans:

  • Okoye: A member of the group called the Dora Milaje, who by tradition are wives-in-training, but in reality, serve more as bodyguards, and are perceived as little more than children by King T’Challa.
  • Monica Lynne: A singer and potential love interest for T’Challa. I speculated that this is the role that Lupita Nyong’o would be up for.
  • N’Gassi: The Black Panther’s chief political advisor who ofte
  • Reverend Achebe: Left for dead by a band of guerrilla soldiers, Achebe made a deal with the Devil to seek revenge on those soldiers who took his wife. Over time, he went insane, and started talking to a puppet on his hand named Daki.
  • W’kabi: T’Challa’s second in command.
  • Zuri: A Wakandan soldier.
  • Erik Killmonger: One of Black Panther’s most frequent antagonists, this man is well known for his dealings with Klaw — who we saw in AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON, played by Andy Serkis. 
  • White Wolf: T’Challa’s adopted brother who is banished by T’Challa for his brutal torturing techniques. The man takes up the mantle of the White Wolf in secret.
  • Queen Divine Justice: Heir to the Jibari Tribe, a separatist group within Wakanda.
  • The Man-Ape: Leader of the Jibari Tribe, who unlike the Wakandans, reject technology.

This is definitely quite the cast of characters here, and it’ll be interesting to see how Marvel adapts these characters, given how strange and outlandish they seem on the page compared to the grounded world they’ve established in the MCU.

Of course, we don’t even know if this report is accurate. The fact that the site has since disappeared doesn’t bode well for it, but all the same, this is the site that threw out the casting call for Baron Zemo, which turned out to be accurate, so you never know.

What do you think of this report? Are you familiar with any of these characters, and if so, are you looking forward to seeing their big screen interpretations? Let us know down below!

BLACK PANTHER hits theaters on July 6, 2018.

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SOURCE: MovieCastingCall (via Screen Rant)

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