
PACIFIC RIM 2: Jing Tian Joins Cast, Production To Begin In November

So, it’s happening, guys. It’s actually happening.

Yes, Pacific Rim was a film that, on a $190 million budget, didn’t perform too well in North America, but the film’s performance overseas proved that the demand for a sequel is still there. Everything seemed to be set, and then-director Guillermo del Toro was even in pre-production around this time last year when the film was put on hold. While del Toro has stayed on board as producer, Daredevil Season 1 showrunner Steven S. DeKnight has taken over directorial duties to the sequel which, when last we heard, was titled Pacific Rim: Maelstrom

Bits and pieces of news regarding the project have dropped since then. We know that Charlie Hunnam is not returning, and in his place will be Star Wars: The Force Awakens leading man John Boyega, but specifics still eluded us. In many ways, this sequel had always felt like one of those films that would linger in development/pre-production for an annoying number of years.

Thanks to a new report from Variety, however, we not only learned that The Great Wall actress Jing Tian will be joining the film in an undisclosed role, but that the film is set to film this November in Australia. Parts of this film will also be filmed in China. Given the fact that a good chunk of tickets from the first film came from China, it’s no surprise that they’d hire Tian to start in the film, nor is it a surprise that they’d commit to shoot portions of the movie there. We live in a globalized world now, and the more filmmakers are able to cater to specific markets who they know will dig their films, the more money they’re bound to make.

Chinese actress Jing Tian.

This news is definitely good for those who were fans of the first Pacific Rim, though I can’t count myself among its fans. In my eyes, there was too much action in the dark, and the film never really succeeded in making me care about any of the characters. What’s more, as an anime fan, it felt like they’d taken the cheap, surface-level aspects of the medium and plastered them on the screen in a very uninspired way. 

All that being said, I have to say that I find this news promising. Despite my dislike of the first film, I do like Guillermo del Toro, and as far as I’m concerned, I’ll give anything involving Steven S. DeKnight a shot after the amazing work he did on bringing Daredevil to the small screen.

What do you think? Are you excited to see the production for Pacific Rim 2 actually go forward? Let us know in the comments down below!

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SOURCE: Variety

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