
Prison Break: Poseidon’s Identity Revealed!

Prison Break returns with an all new episode.  Now that Michael and the team are close to escaping Yemen, will the focus now turn to their battle against Poseidon?  Will we learn more than we did last week? (Which wasn’t much…)  Read on to find out this week’s takeaways:

Photo Courtesy of Fox.

Michael’s Yemen Team is Dwindling — Michael began with a core group who he was trying to break out of prison.  Abu Ramal is dead, Sid was killed and Ja has left.  Was there a purpose in Michael trying to free them, did he need them to get out, or did his usual empathetic nature drive him to break them out because he truly cares for others?  I think the only people he originally wanted out of Ogygia was Abu Ramal (because of Poseidon), and Whip (since they seem to have a back-history and know about Poseidon).

Photo Courtesy of Fox.

Jacob Ness is Poseidon — I was wrong as I was hoping it’d be Kellerman, Mahone, or someone else.  I knew Jacob was involved, but did’t think he would be Poseidon.  It seemed to obvious. Maybe there is more to the story than this, but it does make sense as to why he would marry Sara, in order to not only keep an eye on her, but to keep tabs on Michael in case he tried to contact her.  What is he after?  Could Poseidon actually be the head of a newer version of The Company?

Poseidon is Behind 21 Void –– The video of Michael dragging a body in the woods was due to Poseidon.  He killed the Director of Operatives for the CIA because he realized Jacob was the traitor within 21 Void.  He used the footage of Michael in order to frame him. I think 21 Void is the reason Jacob wanted Michael to break people out of Prison, but for what purpose?

Michael’s Plan — Michael knew Poseidon was framing him, so he began changing his identity as part of his plan to defeat Poseidon.  This plan should involve the Elvis impersonator from last week’s episode, but how?  Since Michael erased his old identity, could he do the same with Kaniel Outis?

Photo Courtesy of Fox.

Sucre Saves the Day — It was great having Sucre back, and for once he came up with the plans to escape the cargo ship rather than Michael.  He not only found a way to hide them from the Navy Seals, but he also came up with a way to frame the ship’s captain with his illegal activities.

The Suspense is Back — After last week’s drab episode, this week was not short on its fair share of action.  Whether it was Michael and his team trying to escape the Navy Seals on the cargo ship, or Sara trying (and failing) to act natural around Jacob, the episode had a good deal of action and suspense.  Who does Poseidon answer to?  When he made a call to launch a missile, he did say, “Sir.” This may be someone else in the CIA, but would have to be corrupt as well if he is working with Jacob, but I still feel that Poseidon works for someone else.  Who could it be?  Also, Sara sneaking around the house created suspense since we all knew Jacob was lurking around.  He didn’t seem moved that she was holding him at gunpoint, as he has leverage…her son, Michael Jr.  It’s on now, and next episode looks to bring all the characters together (including an interesting confrontation between Whip and T-Bag, making it seem as if there is prior history between the two.)  

Next week’s should be good! What’d you think of this week’s episode?  Is Poseidon working for someone else?  What will Poseidon’s next move be?  What is his true plan?  What is Michael’s plan? Leave your thoughts in the usual spot, and thanks for reading!

Prison Break returns next Tuesday at 9 p.m. on Fox.

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