
RUMOR: Nolan to Crash Very Real (and Very Expensive) WWII Plane in ‘DUNKIRK’

There are few modern filmmakers that are what many would call “purists.” These filmmakers shoot only on film, and do everything in their power to keep their visual effects grounded and practical. One such filmmaker is Christopher Nolan, the man who brought audiences such films as BATMAN BEGINS, THE DARK KNIGHT, THE PRESTIGE, INCEPTION, and INTERSTELLAR. While Nolan hasn’t been immune to CG, he definitely puts a certain amount of effort into doing practical effects (such as the big rig flipping in THE DARK KNIGHT).

As a result, this rumor regarding Nolan’s latest film, DUNKIRK doesn’t come as a huge surprise. Here’s what the report from Indie Revolver had to say:

“A source tells me that Warner Brothers recently signed a five million dollar check to purchase a vintage WW2 aircraft, (possibly a German Luftwafee) which will be outfitted with IMAX cameras to be used in what are sure to be some impressive sequences in the film. And when they’re done, they are going to crash it.”

$5 million for a prop certainly seems like quite the overkill, and one certainly hopes that the aircraft will add $5 million worth of production value on screen, but it’s not clear just how much screen time it will receive. At the end of the day, however, $5 million is a drop in the bucket when compared to how much the studio is hoping to make. According to Indie Revolver’s source, the studio is expecting Nolan’s latest to perform INCEPTION numbers at the box office, which broke $825 million at the worldwide box office back in 2010.

That expectation certainly seems quite ambitious, especially when considering that Nolan’s last film, INTERSTELLAR, only brought in about $675 million worldwide, and also received mixed reviews from fans. Those who were already let down by the DARK KNIGHT RISES and INTERSTELLAR may not even bother with DUNKIRK. What’s more is that we currently seem to be living in a world where audiences want fun popcorn flicks over serious gritty war dramas. As such, would audiences run out to see a serious World War II film? That’s an answer only time will answer.

DUNKIRK tells the true story of the rescue of more than 330,000 Allied troops from the coast of Dunkirk, France. The movie stars Tom Hardy, Mark Rylance, Kenneth Branagh, Cillian Murphy and Fionn Whitehead.

What do you think of this news that the DUNKIRK production spent $5 million on a vintage WWII airplane? Is it a waste or a small price to pay for authenticity? Let us know your thoughts down below!

DUNKIRK hits theaters on July 19, 2017.

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SOURCE: Indie Revolver

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