
Ryan Coogler Co-Writing Marvel’s ‘BLACK PANTHER’

CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR is bound to be chock-full of goodies, fan service, and character reveals. Obviously, not the least of these reveals comes in the form of Black Panther, a character Marvel Studios has beenalluding to since AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON.

A few months back, it was revealed that Ryan Coogler, the man who brought us the amazing ROCKY spinoff, CREED, would be in the director’s chair for Black Panther’s standalone outing. Well, if a recent interview with Kevin Feige is any indication, then it looks like Coogler’s involvement may be more extensive than originally thought.

Here’s what Feige told Collider when asked about the status of the film:

“We have a number of writers on it including Ryan Coogler, who is also directing, he’s working on the draft right now. Between now and the end of the summer there will be more casting announcements. We start filming at the very beginning of next year.”

This is amazing news, as Coogler has proven with both CREED and FRUITVALE STATION that he’s not only a great director, but an exceptional writer. That his hand is in the story of the BLACK PANTHER will hopefully go a long way to ensure that it’s a quality script.

What are your thoughts on Coogler hopping into BLACK PANTHER as a co-writer? Let us know in the comments down below!

BLACK PANTHER hits theaters on February 16, 2018.

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SOURCE: Collider

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