
Spider-Man: Homecoming Introduces Damage Control To The MCU

For the longest time in superhero movies, not a lot of time was spent on the little guy. The superheroes would perform these massive feats of strength, level an entire city, and simply go about their business as if nothing went wrong. It happened all the time, and it’s only in recent years that these films have started to deal with the repercussions. The DC Extended Universe did so with Batman v Superman, and the Marvel Cinematic Universe did so with Captain America: Civil War. On the TV front, there’s an entire sitcom called Powerless that revolves around this whole idea of cleaning up after superheroes.

We’ve gotten to this place in film to where these deeper questions need to be ask. As the mythology grows, one has to begin to wonder how the actions from superheroes actually have an effect on this world. Now only do audiences begin to wonder who is affected on a personal level (like Baron Zemo), but some may even wonder the nuts and bolts behind how a cleanup is done.

With the upcoming Spider-Man: Homecoming, we’ll be getting some of those answers. It’s recently been revealed that Michael Keaton’s Vulture owns a company that specializes in picking up after these big events, and is put out of the job when one Tony Stark comes in with his own organization called the Department of Damage Control, and pushes Vulture out of the way.

Those familiar with the comics will know that Damage Control even got their own series, chronicling their attempts to repair the property damage caused by our favorite Marvel heroes. Speaking with Fandango, Spider-Man: Homecoming Jon Watts was asked if this has big implications in the MCU in terms of helping to grow it in a new direction.

Watts’ response was as follows:

“Yeah, possibly. For me, in thinking about this movie, it just fit in with our overall philosophy with the kind of story we wanted to tell. In the same way that Peter gives us the ground-level view of what it’s like to be a 15-year-old kid in a New York City that was almost destroyed by aliens before the Avengers showed up. You also wonder after all those huge messes are made, who’s sent in to clean up? Is it the normal people who would be hired to do something like that? Does it become a government operation? Is it dangerous? What do you do with all the alien body parts that you find? I really like asking those practical questions about this world and then using that to drive the story.”

Plus, if they wanted, the MCU could actually string them throughout the rest of the universe. In many ways, they can be what S.H.I.E.L.D. was in Phase 1.

“Oh yeah. Think about all of the things that have been littered around the world as a result of the Marvel movies.”

Currently, the MCU is already crowded enough as it is, but as Watts has indicated in the past, it’s a world that’s been very focused on the one percent, as it were — the guys all the way at the top. This could help to add a bit more relatability to it all. After all, the Marvel characters are different from the DC characters in that they are generally normal people put into abnormal situations that change them forever. Over time, that element gets lost, and while we can never truly reclaim it, adding in those extra tidbits that harken back to those simpler times would add an extra dimension to it all.

My only hope is that Marvel doesn’t try to make a spinoff TV series á la Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., which has proven the difficulty of existing within a larger universe and still remaining interesting.

What do you think of this added element? Are you interested in more of the nuts and bolts of this world? Let us know your thoughts down below!

Spider-Man: Homecoming hits theaters on July 7, 2017.

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SOURCES: Fandango

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