
‘Star Trek Beyond’ Releases Its First Trailer!

This is the “Star Trek” film that seemed destined to fall flat on its face. While the first film in this rebooted franchise was incredibly well-received, the second (while still a great film, in my opinion) failed to excite a lot of fans. A third film seemed like a tall order, and things became even more complicated when the first two film’s director J.J. Abrams abandoned ship for the more appealing “Star Wars: The Force Awakens.”

Months of drama followed in the pre-production of what would be called “Star Trek Beyond.” Writer Roberto Orci was rumored to direct, but nothing ever came of that. After a seemingly-endless amount of time, we finally got a director in the form of Justin Lin, who is best known for directing four films in the “Fast and Furious” franchise.

Check out the trailer below!

While this is just a trailer, it’s very clear that the spirit of the first two films is still alive and well (some would argue that it’s way too extreme). Whether or not the jokes inthe trailer work, however, is a bit unclear. More than anything, however, the sets seem like a definite step down from the previous two films. Whether or not this is due to unfinished effects, or me watching the movie out of context, remains to be seen. Overall, however, I’m liking what I’m seeing.

“Star Trek” fans who were hoping to see the franchise return to its more cerebral roots, however, will likely be disappointed. Following the disappointing box office returns on “Star Trek Into Darkness” and the explosive results of Marvel films like “The Avengers” and “Guardians of the Galaxy,” the studio really seemed to want to push the franchise into an even more action-based direction, as writer/actor Simon Pegg revealed some time ago.

“They had a script for Star Trek that wasn’t really working for them. I think the studio was worried that it might have been a little bit too ‘Star Trek’-y.

People don’t see it being a fun, brightly colored, Saturday night entertainment like the Avengers…

[The Avengers], which is a pretty nerdy, comic-book, supposedly niche thing, made $1.5 billion dollars. Star Trek Into Darkness made half a billion, which is still brilliant. But it means that, according to the studio, there’s still $1bn worth of box office that don’t go and see Star Trek. And they want to know why.”

Either way, this is one franchise I’ve been thrilled to see success for, and I hope “Star Trek Beyond” helps the series regain its momentum.

Do you think this trailer will succeed in making “Star Trek” a more appealing franchise to the masses? Let us know your thoughts below!

“Star Trek Beyond” hits theaters on July 22, 2016!

SOURCES: Paramount, The Guardian

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