
Star Wars: The Last Jedi Teaser Description: Rey Undergoes Training

Earlier today, we reported on the revelation of *gasp* Luke’s first words in Star Wars: The Last Jedi. I know, it sounds silly, but as much as we hate to admit, fans like us love the little details that can be scraped from the bottom of a barrel. It makes us feel that much closer to the material we’re looking so forward to consuming.

If you wanted to hear a bit more than Luke Skywalker saying “who are you?” then you came to the right place. That wasn’t the only shot, Disney showed off at their shareholders meeting yesterday in Denver, Colorado. Someone got in touch with the folks at /Film and gave them a breakdown of the scenes in the reel. Sadly, there wasn’t much in terms of plot details to be squeezed from the shots, as this was little more than a sizzle reel, but there were a couple good shots that stood out.

I think it goes without saying that if you don’t want to be spoiled, look away now.








First, let’s delve a bit more into that “who are you?” line. This scene takes place inside either a cave or stone hut, meaning that Luke likely took Rey into his humble abode before asking the question. It’s hard not to have flashbacks to Star Wars: A New Hope in the scenes that introduced Obi-Wan to Luke. 

In the sizzle reel, we also get a shot of Captain Phasma, though the context is not clear. While we’ve known for some time that Phasma would be returning to this sequel, it was hard to shake off the disappointment we felt after watching Star Wars: The Force Awakens. For a good solid year or more, Lucasfilm had been teasing Phasma as this badass character, but her little time on screen amounted to nothing more than a Boba Fett-esque cameo. Here’s hoping she’ll end up with a more sizable role this time around.

Another potentially telling shot shows Finn dressed as a First Order Officer. This falls in line from a previous rumor from Making Star Wars, and even other rumors further back regarding a Tom Hardy cameo (a rumor which Hardy would neither confirm nor deny) involving a slap to Finn’s backside. 

We also see a bit of Rey in this sizzle reel, with her wielding Luke’s lightsaber — is it safe to assume this is all during a series of training scenes with Luke? In addition to some lightsaber work, we also see a shot of Rey touching the ground, and the pebbles rising up around her hand. There is also a wide shot with her training on a ridge with Luke watching on.

Finally, later in the presentation, we see Luke take the lightsaber from Rey and grasp with both hands.

All in all, the details here were minimal, but it’ll hold us over until next month when we’re expecting to see the trailer drop at Star Wars Celebration.

What did you think of the description? Let us know in the comments down below!

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