
‘SUICIDE SQUAD’: DC and WB “Working to Smooth Out” Third Act of Movie

WB and DC certainly seem to be snagging headlines left and right these days. Following the release of BATMAN v SUPERMAN, their continuing foray into their own DC Extended Universe has been a hot topic of debate and discussion. While they’ve been trying to get this universe off the ground, it’s been a bit unnerving to fans that the studio had nothing of a Kevin Feige (i.e., an overlord with a vision for the whole universe). Recently, it was reported that DC has taken their first steps in that direction with Jon Berg and Geoff Johns, but those don’t seem to be the only things WB is doing.

The studio also seems to be taking a lot of the criticism of BATMAN v SUPERMAN to heart. If you believe the rumors that have been floating around, WB appears to be trying to add more levity to their next film, SUICIDE SQUAD. That rumor from Birth.Movies.Death, as of now, is unsubstantiated, but it isn’t the only one to come out regarding the film.

Another rumor from Variety last month said that WB is planning on taking a more hands-on approach with all DC films in the future, which does seem to fall in line with the BMD rumor.

THR is now reporting that WB is “working to smooth out” the third act of SUICIDE SQUAD. The outlet states that since the audience perception of the film is largely positive as a result of the past two stellar trailers for the film, they want to make sure that the finished product either meets or exceeds all fan expectations. 

It’s not really clear based on the article what smoothing out really means? Did they make substantial changes in reshoots? Are they rejiggering the ending using existing footage? Or are they simply working on the film per usual with the mind of keeping a solid third act? There are no other real details in the piece, so it’s hard to say what one should think regarding this news, as that can change based on how they interpret this news.

What do you think? Does it sound like they’re making substantial changes? If so, does that worry you or make you feel better?

Let us know in the comments down below!

SUICIDE SQUAD hits U.S. theaters on August 5, 2016.

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SOURCE: THR, Variety, Birth.Movies.Death

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