

She Must Have Had An Off Day

Last weeks episode had such a heavy plot line with Barry confronting what he saw in the future it was niceto  see this weeks episode focus on H.R,.’s past.  Dead or Alive returned back to the light heartedness that we felt in Season 1.  The main plot line of this episode saw the introduction of a bounty hunter meta named Gypsy taking back H.R. to Earth-19.  

While the majority of the team focused on saving H.R., Iris was busy recruiting her kid brother to help her stop a gun smuggler.  It seems that even though Iris knows that her death is impending it hasn’t stopped her from doing what she does best.  Against Barry’s and Joe’s wishes Iris investigation caused her to foolishly recruit Wally to help her catch an arms dealer.  The theory of knowing when you die affects the decisions that you make played a major part in this story line.

The inclusion of Julian into the team brought some much needed dark comedy.  While H.R. is vastly different intellectually than the other Wells, it is great to see the team have its genius mathematician back. The relationship between Julian and Caitlyn continues to grow into a bond that will have an impact later on this season.

The main plot of this episode focused on Cisco fighting Gypsy to a battle to the death to save H.R While a battle to the death would be on anyone’s conscience it seemed that Cisco was more into Gypsy’s beauty than the risk of dying.  While a majority of the battles that take place on this show hold very little weight this was no different.  There was never really any worry that Cisco was going to die so making the training and actual battle fun was a smart move.  In the end it is the team work from Julian, Barry, and Cisco to find a way to stop Gypsy.

Overall this episode was a great welcome back to what made The Flash great in Season 1.  Putting Cisco as the focus of this episode with all the great jokes made me remember why I love The Flash.   For different reasons this was the best episode of the season by going back to the core of what made this show great.  

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