
Top Cosplay from Long Beach Comic Con 2016

Photos by Emmanuel Gomez

Long Beach Comic Con 2016

Long Beach Convention Center

Long Beach, CA

   Long Beach Comic Con offers lots to do for it’s attendees. For example a great Artist Alley, a Space Expo, Celebrity Guests and some interesting panels. With that said it is the attendees that bring fourth one of the greatest aspects of this convention, cosplay. Cosplayers roam the convention floors, the hall ways and the front area of the convention center. You can tell that they spend countless hours preparing and putting on their outfits of some of their favorite characters in pop culture. My hat goes off to them has they are constantly bombarded with requests for pictures though out the day and 99 percent of the time they always respond in a friendly manner. Here are 6 of my favorite cosplayers from this past weekend in no particular order. 

To be honest picking six photos out of over a hundred in the cosplay gallery (link below) was really difficult as everyone did a great job at putting together an outfit to flaunt at LBCC. 

Besides the amazing fans cosplay at the show there are several other well known Cosplayers that I caught up with either on the show floor or at a booth of their own. You may recognize a few of these folks as they are very popular in the convention circuit. 

Long Beach Comic Con 2016 was no doubt a success once again and some of the credit has to be given to all the passionate fans Cosplaying.

Check out the gallery and let us know which was your favorite!

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