
TV: The Flash “Fast Lane” Review


This week episode of “The Flash” became a set-up episode for next week when we see the cast travel to Earth 2.  The main story focused on a new meta-human named Tar Pit who was out for revenge.  This part of the story became overshadowed with the side stories of the building relationships between the West family and Barry’s relationship with Earth 2 Wells.  This episode saw some of the main characters get limited or no time on screen.  There was no Zoom or Jay Garrick in the episode with limited time of Caitlyn and Cisco.


The Good:  This episode did a great job at building the relationships between the West family and Barry’s bond with Earth 2 Wells.  Both scenarios focused on what would a parent do to protect his family.  Joe West is concerned that if he acts too much like a father towards Wally he will end of losing him but at the same time Iris is trying to build a relationship with Wally by guiding him away from street racing.  The relationship between Barry and Earth 2 Wells continues to evolve as we saw Wells betray Barry by stealing a small amount of his speed and give it to Zoom in hopes of getting his daughter back.  Wells’ guilt overcomes him and reveals to Barry what he has done which sees their relationship become stronger with Barry forgiving Wells.


The Bad: No Zoom again…  At this time last year with Season 1 the show was fully involved in Reverse Flash and we would see Thawne or Reverse Flash in the thick of the plot.  Zoom has definitely lost some of his excitement that he brought early on the show.  Lets hope that the remaining episodes will be heavily involved with the main antagonist.


The Ugly:  The use of meta-humans on this show has become a joke.  The inclusion of Tar Pit repeated the same storyline as every other Meta-Human introduced on the show.  Someone has been done wrong on the night the particle accelerator exploded andnow they are out for revenge.  As we have progressed farther into season 2 it has become a lot easier for Barry and the team to figure out how to stop each Meta-Human.  Has anyone else noticed how many criminals were committing some sort of crime the night the particle accelerator exploded?  You would think that it was Star City with all the crime that was going on.  It seems that the writers have yet to figure out a way to incorporate meta-humans into the story without having some sort of revenge agenda.


Overall:  Besides the evolvement of Barry and Earth 2 Wells relationship this episode is one you could’ve missed.

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