
Vaughn Would’ve Had Juggernaut Instead of Quicksilver in ‘X-Men: DoFP’

You may recall that Matthew Vaughn was scheduled to direct X-Men: Days of Future Past. Ultimately, he opted out to go work on Kingsman: The Secret Service, allowing Bryan Singer to return to the director’s chair for the series he helped launch. In a chat with Empire, where hewas promoting Kingsman, the topic of Days of Future Past came up- namely the Quicksilver scene. That sequence was considered to be one of the highlights of the film, if not of the entire blockbuster movie season of 2014. 

So how would it have played out if Vaughn had been at the helm? Much, much differently. For starters, he wouldn’t have used Quicksilver for the big prison break. He would’ve used Juggernaut!

I had Juggernaut being thrown out of a plane at 20,000 feet […] using his head to go down a hole to get to the bottom of [The White House]. I had Beast [in a plane] saying, ‘I have a plan,’ and him replying, ‘What’s the plan? What’s the plan?’, and they go higher and higher and Beast was going to go, ‘This is it!’ and chuck him out the window. Then he goes smashing through [The White House] with his [head] and Magneto goes, ‘Who the fuck are you?’

Does he think this would’ve been better than what we got? Not at all. He admits that it ended up being “the best scene in the movie,” and goes a step further when he says, “I would have made the movie worse. The Quicksilver one was better.

How about you? Do you think Vaughn’s version of the fan-favorite sequence would’ve been cooler than what we got, or are you glad that Singer tweaked it the way he did?

SOURCE: Empire

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