
A Similar Sailing Quest In Fire And Blood Leaves A Path Open For Arya Stark

After Game of Thrones ended, many questions remained. One of the more popular ones was where Arya Stark’s sailing adventures would take her. In one of the show’s final scenes, Arya and her siblings had a farewell moment as all of them set off on their own paths. Arya wanted to sail west of Westeros, she wanted to know what else was out there.

While this was a popular choice of fans for a Game of Thrones Spin-off series, HBO decided against a series focusing on Arya’s new adventures. However, a similar adventure by Elissa Farman, from the Game of Thrones prequel novel Fire and Blood, may give hints at where Arya may end up.

ALSO SEE: Game Of Thrones – Watch Sophie Turner Talk About First Reading Sansa Stark’s Final Scene

In the book, Farman sets off on a sailing adventure, discovers islands, and goes head to head with a kraken. It is said she was eventually spotted in Essos, implying she sailed around the world. Could Arya follow a similar path? Due to HBO declining to make a series about her, we may never know, it is interesting to ponder though.

Where do you think Arya will end up? Let us know in the comments down below!

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