
Burt Ward, Who Played Robin In The 1966 Batman Seen Filming For The CW’s Crisis On Infinite Earths

As many of you already know the CW is about to help DC bring their multiverse together. A small screen version of Crisis on Infinite Earths is on the way and today actor Burt Ward was spotted on the set.

For you youngsters out there, Burt Ward was the Robin to Adam West’s Batman, in the incredibly campy version of the property that ran for three seasons from 1966 to 1968 totaling 120 episodes. You can check out the Twitter post revealing Ward’s involvement in the crossover event down below.

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This was actually my introduction to Batman, for better or worse, but it wasn’t long after I was introduced that the 1989 film that starred Michael Keaton and was directed by Tim Burton. Sure, the old series was pretty corny, but it did prove that there was an audience for the character, even though the next iteration didn’t come about for three decades. It’s also nice to see the extent that the crossover event is going to in order to bring everything together.

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