
Charlie Hunnam To Star In Apple’s Adaptation Of Novel Shantaram

In many ways, Apple is started at ground zero with their Apple TV+ streaming service. Unlike Disney, they have no original I.P.s to their name and are having to create said original I.P.s to hopefully be exploited later down the line. Of course, one big way around this whole deal is to adapt some high-profile novels, and in this respect, Apple seems to be doing just that.

The tech giant is adapting the literary work Shantaram, written by Gregory David Roberts, in which an Australian prisoner escapes to India. Adapting the project is American Hustle’s Eric Warren Singer, who is also set to executive produce with director Justin Kurzel. 

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Now, according to THR, it sounds like they have their lead in the form of Sons of Anarchy star Charlie Hunnam as Lin, the aforementioned prisoner who escapes into the city of Bombay. This will be his first role since the FX series ended back in 2014.

What do you think of Hunnam joining Shantaram? Let us know your thoughts down below!

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