
Could Another Robin Be Making His Way DC’s Titans Series?

It is well known that Batman’s Batcave has seen it’s fair share of Robins throughout the years. For the Titans series that will be available exclusively on DC’s digital streaming service, that Robin is set to be Dick Grayson, played by Brenton Thwaites. But we have reports that he may not be the only one to make an appearance on the show.

TitansTV has unconfirmed reports that says that the title of the seventh episode of the show will be titled “Jason Todd”. Most DC Comics fans know that Jason Todd was the second Robin that replaced Dick Grayson after he became Nightwing. His “death” is infamous in comics as DC Comic’s had a call-in poll to decide whether or not he would die at the hands of the Joker. As we know, the fans ended up killing Batman’s sidekick. This all took place in DC Comics’ Batman issues #426-#429 in an arc titled Batman: Death in the Family.

But that would not be the end of the character as he was brought back to life in 2005’s story titled Batman: Under the Hood in 2004-2006 written by Judd Winick. But he came back as the brutal anti-hero the Red Hood. Currently, he can be found in his title Red Hood and the Outlaws by Scott Lobdell.

If in fact, this report turns out to be true, it will be interesting to see how he is introduced. It would seem like they may be testing out the character to try and feature him in a future arc or show, I doubt we would see him as Robin, probably just his origins.

With so many good characters already lined up for this series, including the Doom Patrol, I cannot wait to see some footage to see what they look like in action. Also, it would be nice to get a release date on both the DC streaming service and the show itself.

What do you think of adding Jason Todd to the Titans line up? Let us know in the comment section below!

DC Entertainment’s Titans is set to premiere sometime this year on DC’s digital streaming service.


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Source: TitansTV

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