
Darkseid Removed From Original Justice League Cut

We are all aware that Zack Snyder’s Justice League movie was given the Frankenstein treatment. Several key members of the set and cast have come forward saying key scenes were butchered from the final cut. Which arrived into theaters and was promptly crucified by critics. I remember sitting there in the theater cringing my way through the experience of the spectacle up on the big screen.

I fondly recall the film having a weak plot and a weaker villain in the form of Steppenwolf. He seemed like such a lackluster character with mommy issues. I mean this guy spent most of the movie chasing down and talking to mother boxes. Adding to that frustration is that his fanatic relationship with the mother boxes is never fully explained. Watching it felt like there was something missing.

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Now director Zack Snyder has come forward and confirmed the film was supposed to have another much more diabolical villain in the form of Darkseid. Not only was Darkseid intended to be a villain, but an actor was filmed for the role. In fact, actor and Audiobook Reader Ray Porter recorded lines for Darkseid. On top of that, Ares actor Nick McKinless from Justice League confirmed that he recorded a fight against Darkseid. Read his comments from Reddit below.

“We shot a whole fight sequence with Darkseid. I trained for 4 months to get in that shape.” He went on to compliment Snyder, saying, ‘Zack was amazing to work with.’ Will the releasethesnydercut saga ever end? It doesn’t seem likely as every new week, there’s additional information further confirming what this movie could have been. Doesn’t seem like Justice League will ever get the justice it deserves.

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SOURCES: Comic Book Movie

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