2016’s Deadpool was an especially memorable flick not just because of the movie itself, but because of the amazing marketing it had. From the reveal of Deadpool’s costume to the countless viral videos released in celebration of the flick, it certainly knew how to make a splash. To top that marketing campaign would be a tough accomplishment, indeed, but its sequel, Deadpool 2, may be well on its way to doing so.
A few months back, the short, “No Good Deed” was released in theaters and online, and just last week, we saw a couple photos of Zazie Beetz as the stunning mercenary Domino. Now, in a new tweet from actor Ryan Reynolds, we have another big reveal in the form of Cable. The time-traveling mutant (and son of Scott Summers) is known for his domineering physique, as well as his dynamic with Deadpool. Hired to take on this role is Josh Brolin.
RELATED: Deadpool 2 – First Look At Zazie Beetz As Domino
So how did it turn out? Take a look for yourself.
Sadly, this is only a close-up of his face, but it does show some very important factors. The face is spot-on. Between the scarred right eye and the glowing left eye, it looks like it was pulled directly from the comics. The hair is also near-perfect. While Cable’s is a bit whiter, they decided to go gray with the live-action version.
Honestly, the only complaint I can foresee here is the simple fact that we didn’t get to see a full body shot — oh, wait, nope! Josh Brolin took to his own Instagram to share the full body photo.
Check it:
Now based on this, the main complaints I can now foresee is his costume. With the X-Men pretty much looking exactly like their comic book counterparts in terms of costumes, and with Deadpool looking like he was ripped directly from the panels, I can see some fans being disappointed with Brolin’s more guerrilla-style attire, which doesn’t look much like Cable’s comic book stylings. That being said, with the character itself, I think they really did nail what was important.
Now, all we have left to see is the dynamic between Deadpool, Cable, and Domino, and we’ll be golden.
What do you think of this first look? Let us know your thoughts down below!
Deadpool 2 hits theaters on June 1, 2018.
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SOURCE: Ryan Reynolds, Josh Brolin