
Disney Still Looking To Acquire Most Of 21st Century Fox?

A few weeks back, there were rumors surrounding the potential acquisition of 21st Century Fox by Disney. According to the buzz then, the House of Mouse was looking to basically snatch up all the non-sports and non-news assets from the entertainment company. This would pretty much leave Fox to focus on its unscripted content of sports and news.

However, talks had reportedly dried up a couple weeks prior to reporting, and despite the occasional talk here and there surrounding the potential around this idea, things quickly died down.

Now, Deadline writer Mike FlemingJr. is speculating that this radio silence from both signs may be an indication of the imminent acquisition? He points to the past as evidence. Back when Disney acquired Marvel and Lucasfilm, there was a similar “cone of silence” surrounding the deals, and as such, it wouldn’t be ridiculous to think this deal could still go through. And it does make sense. After all, why would either company be speaking about this deal when the ink’s not even dry?

Of course, the main way this affects us has to do with the potential surrounding the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Could this open the doors for the X-Men to join the rest of the Marvel characters in their films? We’ll have to wait and see.

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SOURCE: Deadline

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