
Does The Iron Fist Costume Appear in Season 1?

Last Friday March 17th, Netflix released the first season of Marvel’s Iron Fist series. Throughout the weekend we saw mixed reviews about the series which of course included Rotten Tomatoes score which is currently at 19%. Just a fair warning SPOILER ahead, although not a major one I thought I would give readers the courtesy before you read on. With that let’s talk about a very interesting cameo.

One of the biggest complaints that I heard throughout the weekend was that Danny Rand, played by Finn Jones, did not once wear a costume even remotely close to what fans are used to seeing in the comic books. Well to be honest he doesn’t wear a costume at all. But there is a version of the costume that makes a very brief appearance. This happens when Danny is being shown footage of a previous Iron Fist taking on a group of soldiers. We know this for a fact because Dark Horizons shared a photo from Johnny Yang’s Instagram page, he is the actor that played the previous Iron Fist in the video. In this picture we see a group of the soldiers and him posing in a group shot while wearing the familiar Iron Fist attire. Although the image is still up at Dark Horizons it seems like it has been taken off of his profile on Instagram.

How long it will take Danny Rand to get a costume only time will tell. As a comic book fan I was disappointed not to see the costume, but I also understand that Danny Rand was having some issues with his identity. Yes although he accepted that he was the Iron Fist, he was not performing the duties that came with the title. He abandoned the gates of K’un-Lun, which he was supposed to protect and returned home. Not only that but in fighting the Hand he went against one of their teachings in order to save a girls life. So in that aspect I can understand why he may have chose not to wear a the costume. Whatever the reason, we will have to wait and see.

What are your thoughts? Were you disappointed that Danny Rand didn’t wear a costume?

Iron Fist season 1 is available now on Netflix.

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Source: Dark Horizons

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