
Fantastic Beasts Producer David Heyman On Working With Johnny Depp

We will soon have another entry into the Potterverse as Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald opens in  a couple weeks. Starring as the film’s villain, the aforementioned Grindelwald, is somehow not an Oscar winner, Johnny Depp. Over the last few years Depp has been in the news regarding his personal life, though he has denied all allegations of wrongdoing.

LRM had a chance to sit in on a round table interview with Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald producer David Heyman who spoke about working with Depp on the film, and says collaborating on the film with Depp was a delight.

“Johnny was great. You know he arrived on set on time. People said that wasn’t always the case for us. He was on time, he came to play. He loves Jo and her work and made that clear from the beginning. He had opinions. He wanted to try things, was a real collaborator and he had a humility. He didn’t come pumping his chest saying ‘It has to be this way!’ No, no no. He came in service of Jo and Jo’s work. He did it because of Jo and his adoration of her and her work. And he was a pleasure.”

ALSO SEE: Fantastic Beasts 2: Ezra Miller Doesn’t Know Where His Character Arc Is Headed

Depp’s casting caused a stir for the film, but not enough to get him removed from the project. As controversial as it may have been the film moved forward with Depp in the role of the villain. Off set issues aside, we all know Depp is capable of bringing his unique talents to any character he portrays, and that is something I think the world of Fantastic Beasts needs.

Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald hits theaters November 16.

Do you think Depp will make a good Grindelwald? Let us know in the comments down below!

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