
Game Of Thrones Season 7 Premiere Is A Bit On The Long Side

As Season 7 of HBO’s epic fantasy series, Game of Thrones, draws ever closer, fans now have a runtime on the premiere episode. Although HBO has still not given a title, according to their site, the episode will have a runtime of 59 minutes. The episode length seems like a good enough start, but it’s safe to assume fans are hoping with the season’s lower episode count, that each installment will be at least a little longer than previous seasons.

For fans, the episodes never seem to be long enough. It’s easy to lose track of time by being engulfed into the story and before they know it, it’s over, and the dreaded weeklong wait begins anew. Members of the cast recently spoke with Entertainment Weekly about how shooting the season has been different from previous ones. While the season’s episode count has been knocked down from 10 to seven, the cast says it feels like they have been filming more than in the past.

“When I first read this season I thought: ‘Damn, I gotta learn some lines!’” Emilia Clarke, who plays Daenerys Targaryen, told Entertainment Weekly.

RELATED: Game Of Thrones Season 7 Will Ramp Up The Pacing From Previous Seasons

“We’re actually filming longer now. I don’t know how that’s happening.” Peter Dinklage, who plays fan favorite, Tyrion Lannister said, “I’ve worked more days this season than I have in quite some time.”

Perhaps showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss are simply looking to have more content to choose from when putting the episodes together, or the season could consist of episodes that are considerably longer than previous seasons and possibly have runtimes over an hour. The delay of Season 7 has driven the excitement levels is off the charts, with the upcoming season premiering almost two months later than usual. With Daenerys having (finally) arrived in Westeros, (most of) the Starks back at Winterfell, and Cersei taking back The Iron Throne, all the pieces have been set in place for what is more or less a long third act for Game of Thrones.

Are you ready for winter?

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Game of Thrones Season 7 begins on HBO on July 16 2017.

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