
Goosebumps 2 Gets New Director, Jack Black Still Not Confirmed To Return

No one really expected much out of that first Goosebumps movie. It was a film based on a brand that had long since enjoyed its heyday. Sure, it was still around, but no one really knew what to expect from a film that was based on the property as a whole, and not just one book.

RELATED – Goosebumps 2 Gets Writer, May Go Forward Without Jack Black

The result was a fun, light little movie that younger audiences would greatly enjoy. It was by no means a perfect, or even great film, but it was a loving adaptation of the source material. The film ended up being a modest success at the box office, taking in $150 million worldwide off its $58 million.

A sequel wasn’t necessarily inevitable, and even at this point, it still doesn’t seem like it quite is. That being said, Variety is reporting that The DUFF director Ari Sandel has just boarded to helm the sequel. What isn’t clear is which version he’ll be directing.

At this point, Sony has been developing two versions, one with star Jack Black (who played Goosebumps author R.L. Stein), and one without. We still have no clue which of these versions — if either — has beaten out the other, and if they’ll be able to come to a decision before that September 21, 2018 release date creeps up.

They’d better make it fast, because that window is closing!

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SOURCE: Variety

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