
Iron Fist Season 2 Announcement Forthcoming?

Up until earlier this year, the Marvel Netflix series seemed unstoppable. They pretty much were three-for-three in terms of numbers of series and number of critically-acclaimed series. Unlike their network counterparts like Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., the shows really managed to find life outside of the MCU proper, and were honestly that much stronger for their separation from those movies. Perhaps the biggest question mark came in the form of Iron Fist. However, given the strong track record for the series, there was little concern from fans and critics.

And then the show came out. Pretty much universally, the show was seen by critics as a step down from the quality storytelling that Marvel had generally provided viewers. On a more personal level, I didn’t dislike the show — in fact, I found it amazingly entertaining. However, when all said and done, it still managed to be the most “TV” of the series — with “TV” meaning over-the-top, silly, and full of characters who do stupid things. It was entertaining, but not really indicative of the quality had come before it.

As much as many critics didn’t like it, the series itself seemed to have a much stronger resonance with fans. Sure, many were open to the idea of Iron Fist being the weakest in the franchise, but it was far from the failure that some critics seemed to tout it as. According to one third party tracking service, the show ended up being a much better performer for Netflix than any other their Marvel shows to date. While there’s no way to verify that just yet, it seemed to solidify the possibility of a second season…but no announcement has come yet.

Recently, at Puerto Rico Comic-Con, Iron Fist star Finn Jones revealed that an announcement for Season 2 of Iron Fist was forthcoming. This is an announcement that’s been a long time coming, but Netflix has never been one to give audiences what they want right away. They tend to be very meditative when it comes to announcements of future seasons of shows, and given that Marvel still has their hands full with The Defenders, The Punisher, and Jessica Jones Season 2, it’s not as though they NEED to make this announcement.

Regardless, this is great news for fans, and it’s great news for us as fans of the show as well. While I contend it’s still the weakest, I found myself morbidly curious as to what was in store for our characters by the tail end of the show.

What about you? Are you excited to see a second season of Iron Fist? Let us know in the comments down below!

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SOURCE: SuperBroMovies

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