
Jason Blum On Why The Upcoming Halloween Film Isn’t A Reboot

“Reboot.” Just the sound of the word is enough to make many film fans cringe. “Reboot.” Sounds gross, doesn’t it? Okay, maybe I wouldn’t go that far, but there’s no doubt that the word gets a bad rap among film fans. In a world where many seek originality (or so we say), the idea of a reboot sounds like nothing but a cash grab, which no one likes.

But it looks like fans aren’t the only ones who hate the word reboot. Speaking with Variety, horror producer — and producer of the upcoming Halloween film — Jason Blum discussed why he believes their upcoming Michael Myers movie isn’t a reboot:

“The way to get people interested is to not reboot. The term makes my hair stand up on the back of my neck. What we’re doing with Halloween is, I guess I’ll use the term ‘reinvention.’ Reboot just sounds so corporate. The way we attacked Halloween was to go after what we’ve done with a lot of other movies. David Gordon Green and Danny McBride are not known for horror, Jordan Peele was not known for horror before Get Out, so I think we’ve had a lot of success mixing genres of people — not the movie — the movie’s a straight, scary movie, so I think we’ve got a very original voice with David Gordon Green and Danny, and having Jamie Lee Curtis and John Carpenter back in the mix to me was the beginning.”

Okay, so it sounds more to me like he just doesn’t like the word reboot than anything else. That being said, I’ll give him a hand. When it comes to reboots, I tend to think they often start out from ground zero. With Halloween, they are building on the foundation laid out by that original film, and expanding from there. I’d like to think of it as more of a sequel than even a reinvention.

But what do you think? Does Halloween still look like a reboot to you? Sound off down below!

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SOURCE: Variety

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