
Jeffrey Dean Morgan Wants Negan To Get A Backstory Episode In The Walking Dead

Jeffrey Dean Morgan, who plays Negan on AMC’s The Walking Dead wants fans to learn more about the character in a flashback episode. While speaking with Entertainment Weekly, Morgan expressed his desire for a Negan backstory.

“And you know, I always am hoping that, at some point, we do a backstory episode for Negan, because it’s an amazing story. I don’t know that that’s going to happen this year, but we are going to see enough of him and he talks quite a bit, as you know. So he’s going to reveal some of himself to the audience this year, which is going to be awesome. It’s going to be fascinating. [pauses] Of course, he’s still going to be a big f—ing dick!”

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Negan is an almost untouchable character on The Walking Dead, and last season he appeared to be invincible. It was extremely difficult to watch Rick Grimes bow down to him. With fans having mixed reactions to the most recent season of the show, learning a little bit more about what makes Negan who he is might be a good idea. How did this man from a civilized society become such a unforgiving warlord? To me, this would be one of the more interesting episodes of The Walking Dead over the last couple of seasons.

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Source: Entertainment Weekly

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