
Jon Bernthal Return As The Punisher? Yes, If Done Right

Back in 2015, Netflix released the series Daredevil, starring Charlie Cox, and it was a major hit. The show introduced Frank Castle in the second season, a vigilante called The Punisher, who was played by Jon Bernthal. Then, Netflix released The Punisher in 2017. The streaming company also released other Marvel shows and they really had something great going. I personally wish we could have had more. There’s been some rumors about Charlie Cox, and Jon Bernthal being brought into the MCU. Both actors can’t reveal anything currently, but Cox would love to see Jon Bernthal as The Punisher again.

Jon Bernthal would love to return as The Punisher

During an interview with Forbes, Charlie Cox shared a few weeks ago:

I don’t know who could do a better version of The Punisher than Jon Bernthal. And that character is beloved, people are crazy for Frank Castle. So if they’re going to do it again, I hope they do it with him because I don’t think it gets better than that.

And I agree. Jon Bernthal was an amazing Punisher and out of all the Marvel series made from Netflix, The Punisher is my favorite. I loved it because of Bernthal’s incredible portrayal as Frank Castle and the darkness he and all involved brought to it. He really showed the pain and power of this character. It felt so real and raw. They really embraced the comic book character.

Jon Bernthal And His Love For The Punisher

In a new Forbes’ interview with Jon Bernthal, he was told that Cox only wants Bernthal as The Punisher. He was honored that Cox, and fans, want him to return:

It’s enormously humbling and it just means the world to me. Number one, the first reason why I really wanted to be on that show, on Daredevil was because I saw Charlie’s monologue in the first episode of the show and I just saw the way in which they were approaching the work. I was like, “This is a world I want to play in.” Then I saw D’Onofrio and I was like, “Holy crap. I’ve got to be a part of this.” Then I dove into who Frank Castle was and The Punisher.

His dive into the character was definitely a success. Bernthal continued:

It’s a character that has had a deep, deep resonance with the comic book community, with the law enforcement community, with the military community. These communities I care a deep, deep, deep amount about. I looked at playing Frank as a real responsibility to those communities and if they are behind it and think that I got it right, it’s humbling and I’m full of gratitude for it. Look, as far as going on in the future, it’s a character that I really feel like that I have sort of in my bones and in my heart.

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I’m really grateful I had the opportunity and what sort of happens in the future isn’t about kind of whether they want to do it or not again. I don’t really prescribe anything to those kinds of decisions. If they do it, are we going to be able to get it right? Is it going to be dark enough? Is it going to be gritty enough? Are we going to give the fans and the folks that the character means so much to, are we going to give them what they deserve? If the answer is yes, man oh man I would love that.

I hope both Cox and Bernthal return. I would love to see them in the MCU.

What do you think of the return of Jon Bernthal as The Punisher? Let me know in the comments.

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