
Justice League: New Clip Shows Martha Kent And Lois Lane

A new clip of DC’s Justice League has surfaced on the interwebs. Diane Lane, who plays Superman’s mother, Martha Kent in the film, appeared on Today and brought with her a clip of a quaint little scene involving two of the films characters that are not superheroes, though it may be argued they both have superpowers in their own ways.

RELATED: Justice League’s Reported 2-Hour Runtime Was Requested By Warner Bros.

The scene shows Clark Family matriarch, Martha Kent, talking with her new daughter-in-law, Lois Lane. The two appear to be discussing Martha selling the Kent family farm, and Lois telling Martha that she may have been able to help avoid it. An odd scene to promote a superhero film for sure, but in a way it shows the other side of the story, how the regular folks are dealing with the aftermath of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.

When Superman makes his inevitable return, I can’t see him being happy with the selling of the family farm, however, it is likely that he will have bigger problems on his hands, namely, helping the rest of the Justice League defeat Steppenwolf.

This is make or break time for DC, coming off the success of Wonder Woman, it would help the studio immensely to have another hit, and as another LRM article pointed out, the future of DC may rest on the success of Justice League. You can read that article here.

Justice League is getting close folks. Are you getting excited yet? Let us know in the comments down below!

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Source: Today

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