
Logan Producer Talks Potential Recasting For Wolverine

Disclaimer: This post contains spoilers for Logan.

Knowing it was Hugh Jackman’s last film as Wolverine, most fans knew walking into the theater to watch Logan, that there was a good chance the iconic character wouldn’t make it out of the film alive.

As seen throughout the film, Logan was tired, having lived for over 200 years, he was definitely a man that was both physically and mentally exhausted. The ending of the film was foreshadowed from the opening scene, with a group of thugs attacking his car, and Logan’s expression more or less saying “I’m getting too old for this s**t.” A younger Wolverine would have immediately jumped out and taken care of business, but this one more hoped they would just go away.

So what is next for the character, who will step into the iconic role? Perhaps no one will, producer Hutch Parker said there are currently no plans to recast the role.

“It’s a great question. Look, I think for all of us, at the moment, and for some of us it goes back to the very first time Hugh put on the costume. The idea of casting someone else as Wolverine is just not something I can think about. [Laughs] And I don’t know. There’s part of me that thinks that he’s done such a brilliant job and is so iconic in the part, that we should leave it alone.“

There you have it, for now, the X-Men Universe will continue on without one of the character’s the franchise was built upon. Parker did concede that with the right idea, Wolverine could very well come back into play.

Parker continued:

“And yet, I know there’s always a possibility that either we find a story, or a situation comes along where you think, ‘OK, maybe we should consider that.’ But at the moment, we’re kind of leaving that alone.”

Jackman has played The Wolverine for the better part of 20 years, starting in 2000 with the very first X-Men film. It is actually quite remarkable to get that kind of dedication out of an actor like Jackman, who never let the role typecast him and performed in many other projects during his time as the character.

Do you think a new actor should play Wolverine, or should the character die with Jackman?

Let us know in the comments down below!

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SOURCE: CinemaBlend

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