
Netflix Introducing ‘Skip Politics’ Button For Seth Meyers’ New Stand-Up Special

Have you ever been watching a wonderfully wholesome comedy act, only to be bombarded with political opinions that are different from your own? Triggered from the difference of opinion, you shut it off, for fear of seeing things from another perspective. We’ve all been there, and it would be the most convenient thing in the world to be able to skip those parts of the act so that our narrow worlds can continue to be that much narrower.

Well, it looks like Netflix may have your back on that front. According to comedian Seth Meyers, his new comedy special will have a button pop up that will allow you to skip his digs against U.S. President Donald Trump.

“It dawned on me that because it was on Netflix, there would be this opportunity to put in technology that would allow people to skip it. It was a way to build in the response to anyone who would say, ‘Oh, let me guess there’s going to be jokes about the president.’”

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While the button looks to be that of a practical nature, this is also kind of a joke feature that Meyers doesn’t expect many people to use.

“I think, look, sometimes at a fancy restaurant they’ll put parsley on your plate and you’ll think, well, that’s a nice touch, but you’re not going to eat the parsley.”

Though while it may be a joke for Meyers, I do wonder if this is something Netflix may decide to use for other comedians, and while I understand the practicality of it all, it would seem to castrate any edge some of these comedians have, as politics always tend to make for good punchlines — no matter if it’s poking fun at the right or left.

What do you think of the “Skip Politics” button? Funny joke or slippery slope? Let us know down below!

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